New Year Planning: Tips on Planning for 2024

By Kelsey Simmons, Communications & Media Coordinator, Florida Dental Association

With three days left in 2023, it’s time to start looking ahead and planning for the new year. Maybe you have fitness, career or even personal goals you’re looking to meet. And while it may not always be easy, there are tips you can follow as you plan and navigate through 2024.

1. Take Stock of Relationships: Think about the people in your life and your relationship with them. How can you improve those relationships in the new year? Do you want more friends this year than last year? Are there some existing friends that you’d like to see more of? Set aside time to meet up, even for coffee and catch up. Go out a bit more and mingle.

2. Financial Planning: Is one of your goals for the new year better financial planning? Make a budget and stick to it. Decide how much money you want to allocate to different areas such as groceries, eating out, traveling and entertainment. Your budget will assist you in keeping you focused on your goals while allowing you to stay within your limits.

3. Make a Realistic New Year Resolutions List: Going into the new year, it’s easy to have a list of negative things you want to stop doing as soon as the clock strikes midnight. It can also be challenging to stick to that list. Instead, consider creating a list of positives that you want to achieve. Create a list of S.M.A.R.T. goals — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.

4. Declutter Your Home: Get organized and remove anything you no longer need. Clearing the clutter can improve your overall productivity and well-being.

5. Focus on Healthy Habits: Make sure you’re getting a good sleep and eating as healthily as possible. Also, schedule regular appointments — including going to the dentist!

6. Learn Something New: A new year is a great time to learn a new skill. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Or an activity you’ve never had the opportunity to try out? Now is your chance!

7. Write Your Goals: Jot down your goals so you can refer to them throughout the year. By recording what you hope to achieve in the new year, you create a blueprint for success that can be referred to for encouragement.


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